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Employer's "Win-Win" Program

We understand that it is difficult to attract and retain quality employees in Vermont. We understand that the high cost of housing is one of the biggest challenges employers face when trying to attract and retain talented individuals. 
By utilizing our services your company will be better suited to attract and retain talented individuals by providing a means to help your employees save money on every real estate transaction. 
In addition to saving your employees money, we will also help your community.  We will donate a portion of our fees on behalf of your company to help homeless veterans in Vermont. Homelessness among our Nation’s veterans is becoming all too common and unfortunately due to the poor economy and ongoing conflicts abroad, this problem will likely only get worse before it gets better.
Flat Fee will donate $500 of its $3,500 fee from every employee referred to us by you.  The donation will be provided to a transitional veteran housing facility in Vermont. Currently there are three such facilities in the State and the donation will be made to the facility nearest you..
We believe this program represents a “Win-Win” for your employees and the community.    Your employees save money and the community benefits from your generous donation.